Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thinking about Rule of the Bone #7

Near the end of chapter 11 ("Red Rover") Bone says, "I'll always remember that moment. I've played it back in my mind a hundred times at least since then."

1. What choice does his mother make in that moment? Provide details.
2. Why do you think she makes that choice? Explain.
3. Do you think she would have made a different choice if she knew that Ken sexually abused Chappie? Explain your answer.
4. Why do you think Chappie/Bone doesn't tell her the full truth about Ken? Explain.


  1. she chooses ken over chappie. i believe she makes this choice because of all the ties chappie betrayed her. yes i do think she would have made a different choice if she knew he sexually abused him. i think he doesnt because he doesnt want to talk about it.

  2. 1. his mom says that her and ken are still together and bone was welcome to live with them but bone doesn't want that so she tells him to leave then
    2. she makes it because she doesn't care anymore shes just going to let bone do what ever he wants
    3. yes because that's way different because hes kept it fro her since he was little sticking his dick in chappies mouth thats just messed up
    4. because shes happy with ken and he probaley doesnt want her to get upset and have to brake up with ken tho.

  3. 1. Bones mom makes the decision of keeping ken instead of chappie

    2. i think she makes that choice because she wants everything to change an if bone wont change she does not wanna deal with him.

    3. i think she would deffinalty change her answer if she new that ken sexually abused chappie because she does not like him drinking so she would not like him being gay.

    4. yes because hes imbarresed that ken did that to him

  4. bones mother chooses ken over him. she is probably still mad at him because he has done so many bad things to her and he dont care about anything. i think that if bones mom found out about ken abusing chappie then she would leave ken. bone probably doesnt tell her because he doesnt want to ruin his moms relationship or talk about it

  5. 1. Bones mother refuses to take him back because he doesn't want his mom with Ken, so she picks Ken over Chappie.
    2. She made this choice because she wants to be with Ken and for all she knew Chappie was dead so by the time Chappie came back it wouldn't effect her if he didn't live with her.
    3. If she knew that Ken sexually abused Chappie I think there wouldn't have been a thought over who to pick.
    4. Chappie did not say the full truth about Ken because he knows that she wont believe him.

  6. Chappies Mom choose Ken over Chappie, because she told him he was a horrible son. Then he asked whether it was him or her "terrific" husband. Then she told him to go. I think she makes that choice due to the fact that Chappies done so much bad, and she thinks Kens good. Ken helps pay for things and is her partner, but Chappies also been gone for awhile. How would she know he changed? I think if Chappie told her about how Ken sexually abused him she would've choose him. Chappie didn't take that advantage though. I think the reason he didn't tell her was, because not only did she not choose him in the first place, but he also could have been afraid she wouldn't believe him.

  7. His mom made the choice ti kick Chappie out and to stay with Ken.
    I think she makes that choice because she doesnt know what Ken has done to Chappie.
    I think she wouldve made a different choice if she knew Ken was sexually abusing Chappie because she still cared about Chappie.
    I think Chappie doesnt tell her the truth about Ken because its embarrassing and too late and theres also a chance that she wont believe him and think hes just lying so she will leave Ken.

  8. 1, She chooses ken over chappie.
    2. I think that she made the choice because she dose not trust him anymore and thinks shes better off with ken.
    3. Yes because she would of realised that ken is the wrong choice and choose chappie
    4. Because it would embarrass him, also i thimk he thought that ken would do something else like that again

  9. 1.)Bones mom wants to stay with ken instead of Bone, because she is still together with Ken, and if he doesn't like it to move out.
    2.)She makes this decision because she doesn't care about his problems anymore, she wants Bone to face them by himself.
    3.) Yes, it would change, because i don't believe Bones mom would stay with Ken if she knew he sexually abused him. This would mean Bone would stay home, because Ken wasn't there, and if this happened, it would change Bones life.
    4.) Yes, because it is very embarrassing and painful for him to talk about it. It would be to hard for him to explain it, and he would be to emotional to explain it correctly.

    Brady Parisi

  10. Brendan McCarthy
    1. Bones mom chooses to keep ken around instead of bone
    2. Bones mom chooses this choice because she doesn't know what ken did to chappie
    3. I think bones mom would have chosen bone if she knew what ken did to bone
    4. Bone is ashamed about what happened to him.

  11. she said she wants to live with ken bone you are welcome to live with us.
    she dosent trust chappie anymore after stealing her stuff
    she would have realized that ken is wrong choice
    because he think that its gona hurt her feeling and she would not like to hear this kind of stuff from his husband

  12. 1. His mother chose not to let him live with her, and told him to leave.
    2. She makes that choice because Chappie has put her through alot already, and does not want him to cause more trouble. He also made her choose between him or her husband Ken.
    3. I think that if she knew about what Ken did to Chappie, she might have made a different choice.
    4. I think that Chappie didn't tell him mom the truth about what Ken did to him because he thinks that maybe she won't believe him about it.

  13. #1) Chappies mother makes the choice to pretty much pick ken over chappie an doesn't think it would be good for them to live together.
    #2) Chappies mother probably made the choice because chappie has betrayed her an disobeyed her.
    #3) Hopefully his mother would have made a different choice if she knew what ken did but yes i think should would have made a different choice.
    #4) Chappie most likley didn't tell her the truth because she would think he is lying

  14. 1. his mother told him to leave and couldnt live with her
    2. because chappie put his mom through alot and she doesnt want him to get in more trouble.
    3. if she new what ken did to chappie, things would be different
    4. chappie didnt tell his mom the truth about what ken did to him

  15. Question #7)
    1) Chappies mother makes the choice to pick ken over Chappie and says that she cant live with Chappie.
    2) Chappie put his mom through alot and betrayed his mom
    3) If Chappies mom knew what Ken was doing to Chappie, things would be different
    4) Chappie didnt tell the truth to his mom about what Ken was doing behind her back
