Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Into the Wild: Responding to Your Environment and Making Decisions

Into the Wild film script

Into the Wild (film) character list

Into the Wild (film) significant quotations

Answer the following ten questions in a Google document called Into the Wild Decisions.
Share the document with me. Each answer will require multiple sentences.

1. What decisions does Chris McCandless (Alex Supertramp) make from the end of college through his final days in Alaska? (Use your notes. Be specific.) 2. What are the outcomes of his decisions? Be specific.

3. How does his social environment affect his decisions? Explain. Be specific. 4. How does his physical environment affect his decisions? Explain. Be specific. 5. How does Alex's world view (his philosophy of life) influence his decisions? Explain. Be specific. 6. How does his knowledge (or lack of knowledge) about the world affect his decisions? Explain. Be specific.

7. To what extent has Chris been successful? Explain. 8. To what extent has he been unsuccessful? Explain.

What would Chris say about his decisions? 
9. What decisions might he be proud of? Explain. 10. What might he regret? Explain.

For those interested in a more complete version of the story read this for your next independent reading book.

And click here for an article from this year that provides the most updated information about how Chris died.

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